1. DUI Convictions in Colorado are forever – there is no expungement or sealing of your arrest record unless you get your charges dismissed across the board. In Colorado, you take a DUI conviction to the grave.
2. Court ordered probation – up to 24 months.
3. Jail – up to 12 months.
4. Fine – up to $1,500.00, plus court costs and surcharges which can add an additional $750.
5. Court ordered Useful Public Service of up to 120 hours.
6. Victim Impact Program attendance – put on by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).
7. Mandatory alcohol evaluation and any recommended weekly alcohol therapy classes. This term of probation can last up to one year and cost in excess of $1,000.00.
8. The Department of Revenue will revoke your driver’s license for 12 months on a “points revocation” action.
9. Creates a prior offense to be used for future sentencing offenses. Colorado has “mandatory minimum” sentencing for any second or subsequent offenses. Any prior conviction can also lead to revocation of your driver’s license for at least one year.
10. DUI is the only motor vehicle offense that shows up on NCIC database (National Crime Information Center). This is kept nationally by the FBI, and locally by CBI (Colorado Bureau of Investigation), and is provided to employers and potential employers during routine background checks.